L.E.S.S. is More Drills to Begin May 16

TCU Public Safety will conduct its annual emergency drills for non-resident hall buildings. Emergency drills will test the activation of lockdown, evacuation and seek shelter notifications, known on campus as L.E.S.S. is More.

“These drills are critical to familiarizing our faculty, staff and students with how to respond in case of emergency,” said Adrian Andrews, assistant vice chancellor for public safety. “Of course, we hope to never have a life-threating emergency, but preparedness is key.”

L.E.S.S. is More prepares for emergencies such as extreme weather, active shooters, fire and more.

The drills will take place from Tuesday, May 16 through Tuesday, May 23. Unlike year’s past, the drills will proceed training of designated building emergency coordinators (BEC), allowing for important feedback.

Further information will be provided to BECs on that training. Residence Hall drills will take place in August.