When emergency conditions involve an active shooter or a violent situation involving the police, the safest method to protect individuals may be to “Lockdown” the building, hide in a safe space, and await further instructions. When in a “Lockdown” situation, one must do the following:
Run, Hide, Fight
- RUN!
- If you know where the shooter is and you know you can get away, do so
- If you hear gun fire, run tactically (run from cover to cover)
- Help others escape
- Warn others to keep away from the danger area
- Stay hidden from the shooter’s view
- Find somewhere that will provide protection, such as in a locked room behind furniture
- Turn off lights, cell phone ringers, and all noises – remain silent
- Avoid places that will trap or restrict movement (in case escape is possible later)
- Do not huddle together – spread out
- As a last resort, prepare to fight the shooter is you are confronted
- Throw things
- Use furniture to rush the shooter
- Create a plan to seriously disable the shooter
Once the police arrive
- Drop any items in your hands
- Raise your hands and spread your fingers
- Remain calm and follow their instructions
- Avoid sudden movements toward the officers
- Avoid pointing, screaming, or yelling
- Do not ask questions when evacuating
TCU Staff
- Must obey the instructions of the Building Emergency Coordinator and Emergency Floor Officers during an emergency or drill
- Should proceed to the designated interior safety area
- Aid in the event of an emergency, as directed by the Building Emergency Coordinators, the Emergency Floor Officers, Campus Police or emergency response personnel
Follow these procedures as closely as possible, without putting yourself in extreme danger.
Before a “Lockdown” During a “Lockdown” After a “Lockdown” TCU Staff, Students, and Guests