Building Emergency Coordinators

The TCU campus is comprised of many unique buildings and departments, and they require the perspectives of their departments and occupants for optimal emergency preparedness.

The Building Emergency Coordinator (BEC) program was created to assist TCU public safety officials with coordinating emergency preparedness and response efforts across campus.

Building Emergency Coordinators are appointed by their department to assist in public safety planning efforts, as well as evacuating and securing buildings during emergencies. Each department that occupies a building is tasked with developing a Building Emergency Response Plan to provide basic direction to building occupants in response to incidents which could occur on campus.

If you are interested in volunteering to become an BEC on behalf of your department or would like to request assistance with departmental emergency planning please contact Sean Taylor, Director of Emergency Management, at or Adrian Andrews, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Public Safety, at

Building Emergency Coordinator (BEC)

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is a BEC?

BEC is the security industry recognized acronym for Building Emergency Coordinator.   A BEC is a TCU employee who is annually trained and recertified on their responses to emergency and life threatening events that may happen in their buildings and on our campus.

All BECs are required to collaborate with the other BECs in their building to develop a specific security plan to ensure the safety of the occupants of their department or office spaces.  BECs are also required to act as a point of contact to relay safety related information sent by TCU Department of Public Safety or other security related “first responders”.

What is the BEC Program?

The Building Emergency Coordinators Program is an important additional layer of security that the TCU Department of Public Safety depends on to be in every non-residence hall building on our campus.  The BEC Program acts as security “eyes and ears” trained to recognize and respond to an emergency in their buildings and on our campus.

The TCU BEC Program, like other universities who adhere to security best practices, is primarily a security component that emphasizes effective communication with the goal of mitigating damages, and possibly saving lives during and emergency on campus.   The BEC Program highlights the benefits of having a building specific security plan as well as delivering appropriate and consistent messaging between first responders and our students, staff and guest during a crisis.

How are BECs selected?

A primary Building Emergency Coordinator and alternate Building Emergency Coordinators are appointed by a designated administrator for each department, in every academic building on campus.  Volunteers are also welcome and will be given serious consideration.

Who is the BEC Program for?

A Building Emergency Coordinator is generally a person who works in the building during normal business hours, has a general understanding of building activities, and has shown an interest in maintaining the safety and wellbeing of the building’s occupants.

What are the BEC Responsibilities?

Before a crisis:

  • Meet with other BECs and concerned building occupants to discuss and develop an Emergency Response Notification Plan for the specific building
  • Know and practice the Emergency Response Notification Plan for the building
  • Maintain building awareness

During a crisis:

  • As long as it is safe to do so, don your vest and execute your assignment
  • Communicate with the other BECs within the facility
  • Act as a communication conduit for the first responders

What is a “building specific” Emergency Response Notification Plan?

The TCU Department of Public Safety offers a 25 question Building Emergency Response Notification Plan Questionnaire as a template to create individual building Emergency Response Notification Plans.  The questionnaire asks questions about each building’s unique security considerations as well as specific responses to the three TCU Alert messages “Lockdown”, “Evacuate” and “Seek Shelter”.

What are the training opportunities available for BECs?

The TCU Department of Public Safety offers annual BEC trainings sessions during the summer months.  These training sessions will be made public by email and by posting on the TCU Public Safety website.

What equipment is issued to the BECs?

  • A purple BEC Vest
  • A purple BEC “Go Bag”
  • A purple BEC Megaphone

Please complete form and email back to Director of Emergency Management, 

Emergency Response Notification Plan Questionnaire (BECs)