

When the emergency conditions involve a fire or gas leak that would require building occupants to exit the building, the safest method to protect individuals may be to “Evacuate” the building and meet at the predetermined Rally Point. Please refer to the TCU Rally Point Map to determine the Rally Point Location for your building.


An “Evacuation” is an organized departure from a building. Upon hearing the TCU Alert notification system to “Evacuate”, the following steps should be followed:

  • Leave the building by the nearest and safest exit
  • If time allows, dress appropriately for the weather
  • Take only essentials with you (eyeglasses, ID, medications, wallet, phone), do not pack belongings
  • If time allows, turn off potentially hazardous equipment and appliances
  • If time allows, close the door to your room as you exit
  • Avoid using the elevator
  • If able, ask and provide help for those who need assistance in evacuating the facility
  • Meet at designated Rally Point
  • If you need special assistance evacuating the building, contact Campus Police at extension 7777 or 817-257-7777 

Follow these procedures as closely as possible, without putting yourself in extreme danger.

Before an “Evacuation”

  • Familiarize yourself with:
    • Fire extinguisher locations
    • Stairwell exits for all floors
    • Faculty, staff, or students who work in your area and may need assistance in evacuating the building
  • Review and update Building Emergency Response Notification plans
  • Inform and train building personnel on emergency procedures, updates, and changes
  • Ask personnel to work on devising an evacuation plan
    • Who will do what assignments?
    • Which stairwell is the nearest and will be used to exit the building?
    • Where is the building Rally Point?
  • Assist the TCU Department of Public Safety in conducting “L.E.S.S is More” emergency response drills annually

During an Evacuation

  • Use an authoritative tone and calm demeanor to direct building occupants to use the nearest exits to leave the building in a safe manner and report to the Rally Point
  • Assist building occupants who need assistance in exiting the building, make sure you ask the person first if you can assist them and how you can help
  • At the Rally Point, take attendance of staff to ensure everyone is out of the building. If anyone is missing or their whereabouts are unknown, please notify the first responders and the Incident Commander on the scene
  • Take notice of any staff needing special attention during an emergency
  • Do not move injured individuals unless an emergency threatens their well-being
  • Select or accept assistance from occupants where needed

After an Evacuation

  • Inspect and restock emergency response supplies semi-annually or after each use
  • Complete a post Evacuation assessment to turn in to the Director of Emergency Management to implement improvements

Before an Evacuation

Familiarize yourself with

  • Stairwell exits for your floor
  • Fire extinguisher locations
  • Seek shelter locations
  • Faculty, staff or students who work in your area and may need assistance in evacuating the building
  • Weather radio locations

During an Evacuation

  • Obey the instructions of the Building Emergency Coordinators and Emergency Floor Officers during an emergency or drill
  • Proceed to the designated Rally Point
  • Aid in the event of an emergency, as directed by Building Emergency Coordinators, the Emergency Floor Officers, Campus Police, or emergency response personnel.

Before an Evacuation

Familiarize yourself with

  • Stairwell exits for your floor
  • Fire extinguisher locations
  • Seek shelter locations
  • Faculty, staff or students who work in your area and may need assistance in evacuating the building
  • Weather radio locations

During an Evacuation

  • Follow evacuation plan
  • Remain alert and look/listen for signs of an emergency in the building
  • Relay any information to the Building Emergency Coordinator, Emergency Floor Officers or emergency response personnel
  • May be asked by the Building Emergency Coordinators to assist Emergency Floor Officers or emergency response personnel