If you are having an event on campus you are required to submit a security assessment form so any security needs can be identified and arranged. Please fill out the form below and you will be contacted by a member of the TCU Police department.
TCU recognizes the rights of individuals to engage in constitutionally protected free speech and public assembly. The TCU Police Department also recognizes its responsibility to protect the rights of persons who choose to engage in such activity in a reasonable manner. However, when the activity infringes on the rights and safety of others, the activity loses constitutional protection and may become a violation of law or University policy.
The TCU Police Department is one of the departments that must be involved in the pre-planning and research of all special events held on TCU’s campus. The purpose and objectives for detailed planning are:
- To provide a safe and secure environment
- To prevent crime
- To maintain order
- To protect persons and property
- To respond to and implement emergency services when required
- To prepare for and request necessary emergency and non-emergency services
- To determine the best methods for achieving these goals in a cost-effective manner
Special events are evaluated at three different risk levels. Those levels are identified as low, medium and high. Each event has factors that may increase or decrease the risk level which affect staffing. The following risk factors often influence the staffing levels indicated on the staffing matrix. These factors will be discussed with event organizers with the goals of reducing risk and making the event successful.
Factors that increase risk levels for any event
- The need for personal protection for speakers, performers or guests.
- Prior events of similar nature with a history of safety problems or required police actions.
- Guest(s) will be on campus at multiple locations.
- Off-campus advertising (non-TCU guests).
- Cash protection/deliveries.
- The anticipation of large ticket sales (or oversell).
- Nighttime event.
- Outdoor venue.
- Live/ amplified entertainment.
- Multiple events on the same day.
- Venues with multiple entrances.
- Traffic control needs.
- Sales of alcoholic beverages.
- Lack of timely notification.
- Other factors determined by TCUPD risk assessment.
Factors that may decrease risk levels for any event
- Guest(s) will be on campus at one general location.
- Events limited to TCU students, faculty and/or staff.
- Competing event elsewhere will affect attendance.
- Patrons are screened for weapons at the entrance (i.e. FWISD).
- Prior events of similar nature with no history of safety problems or required police actions.
- Day time event.
- Indoor Venue.
- Shorter duration of the event.
- Historically poor attendance.
- Student Affairs oversight and presence at student events.
- Formal or semi-formal events.
- Other factors determined by TCU Police Department risk assessment.
A staffing matrix is used as a guideline to assist in reasonably predicting the staffing levels necessary for an event. The number of the personnel assigned may vary as dictated by the nature of the particular event, or as calculated to be necessary by the Police Department, Risk Management, other TCU administration stakeholders and those responsible for the event. Ultimately, the decision of the Police Department regarding its deployment will prevail.